Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “zfs”
August 9, 2011
"FreeBSD9.0将使用zfs作为默认的文件系统.with ZFS, basically you don’t need to use 3rd party volume management software to manage raw device, before you can access them as file system.\nZFS的特点:\nZFS是SUN推出的世界上第一个128位的文件系统,这意味着它能存储1800亿亿(18.4 × 10^1 8)倍于当前64位文件系统的数据。ZFS的设计如此超前以至于这个极限就当前现实际可能永远无法遇到。据说:“要填满一个128位的文件系统,将耗尽地球上所有存储设备。除非你拥有煮沸整个海洋的能量,不然你不可能将其填满。(Populating 128-bit file systems would exceed the quantum limits of earth-based storage. You couldn’t fill a 128-bit storage pool without boiling the oceans.)”[1] …"